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    He condemned settlements and occupation in the Old City Osaily agrees with the Mayor of Caen, France, to join the “Hebron as a World Heritage of Humanity” Committee |
    He condemned settlements and occupation in the Old City Osaily agrees with the Mayor of Caen, France, to join the “Hebron as a World Heritage of Humanity” Committee

    Hebron Mayor, Khaled Osaily, met in his office today with Mr. Philippe Duron, French MP and Mayor of Caen, France, along with his deputy, Ms. Corinne Feret. Were also present Mr. François-Régis Hutin, CEO of Ouest-France newspaper, France’s largest news edition, a group of French journalists and Dr. Anwar Abu Aysheh, President of the Association for Cultural Exchanges Hebron-France. The meeting also included a few members of the Municipal Council. The visiting delegation discussed the situation in Hebron, expressed solidarity with its people and took part in a series of Human Rights lectures organized in collaboration with Al Quds University in Abou Dis.

    Osaily started by welcoming the guests and thanking them for their solidarity with, and visit to, the City of Hebron. He then exposed the city’s political situation, underlining the Old City’s plight due to occupation and to the presence of hardcore settlers in its heart.

    Osaily said that dividing the city and keeping parts of it under Israeli occupation to protect a group of hardcore settlers is a clear indication of the ideology behind these settlers and their goals, which they now proclaim at each and every occasion. Coming from Brooklyn, Poland and Russia, these settlers publicly admit their goal of expelling Arabs from their homes and importing settlers to replace them. Such actions were recently taken to an upper level with one Knesset member petitioning, with the support of 54 of his colleagues, for the adoption of a law deporting Palestinians to their “alternative homeland”, Jordan.

    He added that it was shameful that at this day and age of freedom and liberty, Palestinians are still under occupation. The free world needs to act in order to guarantee that Palestinians live their lives in dignity, like any other population. An end should be put to occupation and settlers need to be evicted. He expressed appreciation to the position of the European Union and some of its MPs who asserted Palestinians’ right to live in dignity, and categorically refused that any nation in the world should consider itself above international law. Osaily emphasized that Palestinians need security and peace, and that there was an opportunity to achieve both thanks to President Abu Mazen and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. He expressed hope that the Israelis will produce a true partner seeking peace, abiding by international agreements and charters, and fulfilling international pleas for the creation of two separate states.

    Osaily then invited his guests to join the international lobby for the inscription of Hebron on Unesco’s list of World Heritage Sites, and to create a new horizon of cooperation between the two municipalities for the mutual benefit of their citizens.

    On his part, Duron expressed his sorrow for, and condemnation of, the continuing settlement process, which kept Palestinians away from their lands and homes. He said he used to believe that the Oslo Agreements would bring a solution to the Middle-East crisis but that, unfortunately, did not happen. He hoped that President Obama’s administration would work towards changing the US policy in the Middle-East, and that this new policy would be set as of the fourth of next month.

    He added: “We, in Caen, have suffered hell during the war. 70% of our city’s buildings were destroyed within hours during World War II. Many of our people were killed and the rest suffered four years of occupation. That is why we understand what occupation means and can feel the suffering of those living under it. I am here to underline the outspoken position of France, with all its political affiliations, calling for and believing in a two-state solution, and advocating Palestinians’ right to freedom and a decent living”.

    Concerning the reality in the Old City, Duron said: “I have seen the plight of the city’s residents and the security procedures imposed upon them. I proclaim my solidarity with the city of Hebron and happily agree to be part of the lobby working towards electing Hebron as a Unesco World Heritage site.”

    At the end of the meeting, both parties agreed to discuss joint cooperation mechanisms. Osaily then presented the guest delegation with a collection of commemorative gifts including the Hatta (Palestinian traditional headdress), the Palestinian flag and an effigy of the sacred Ibrahimi Mosque.

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